Fast Delivery
Author: ezToolBox

Our quick responsive team equipped with state-of-the-art stock management system is always ready to process orders, pick & pack, book couriers for fast dispatch. In most 99% cases, the item will leave our Melbourne warehouse within 24 hours after order placed.
We work closely with TNT express, Fastway Couriers and Austrlian Post to securely deliver the item to assigned locations. Your brand new item will be delivered by one of the above three couriers depending on the size and weight of the boxes you purchased.
We deliver to every state across Australia and New Zealand. You can either get the freight quote on the website or give us a call on 03 93696166 for a postage quote. We also offer local pick-up service at our warehouse in Factory 6, 2 Norwest Ave, Laverton North, Victoria 3026. In the warehouse, there are a variety of toolboxes and canopies which you can get a real touch of before purchase.